Baltimore burns while Barack Obama drinks sake
Rome might not be burning, but Baltimore sure is, and if partying in the midst of a crisis could be considered fiddling, President Obama would be quite the fiddler indeed.
Just one month after Michelle Obama visited Japan, lunched on an ornate bento box and wailed away on the Taiko drums like “Mr. Bongo” Jack Costanzo, Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe and his wife, Akie Abe, were guests of honor at the White House’s eighth state dinner.
As journalists in Baltimore suffered broken bones, bloodied lips, and muggings, glittering groups of elite guests dressed in black tie arrived in limos. And what a celebration the evening turned out to be.
Cascades of pink cherry blossoms and orchids abounded. In fact, cherry blossoms graced everything from the red chopsticks to the table’s centerpieces. If only Laura Dowling, the head florist who was suddenly and dramatically escorted from the White House back in March, were there to supervise, surely the first lady would have been honored with a flotilla of F-Lotus blossoms.
Celebrity Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto joined the White House staff in the kitchen, and under the pink twinkling lights, to the delight of all the guests, the new “Kailua blue” Hawaii-inspired china was unveiled.
Meanwhile, as Barack Obama recited a haiku, in Baltimore, reporters and cameramen were dodging bricks and broken glass while police in riot gear tried to hold back angry rioters. ...