Shocking Images from Cameras on Texas-Mexico Border
Cameras placed along Texas’ 1,200-mile border with Mexico have captured the stream of illegal immigrants sneaking into the country on a daily basis.
They helped border guards apprehend nearly 30,000 suspects and led to 88,400 pounds of drugs being seized in 2014 as part of Operation Drawbridge.
The system has also had a significant impact on Mexican cartels and their ability to smuggle narcotics, people and stolen vehicles between the two countries.
The startling images have been revealed as President Obama continues to fight to push through an executive order to shield illegal immigrants from deportation.
Earlier this month a federal judge in Texas refused to lift a temporary block on a White House immigration plan.
According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, the ‘sophisticated’ cameras are stationed on ranches and farms on the border.
The turn on when movement is detected and are monitored in real-time, around-the-clock by a number of agencies.
If they think suspicious activity is taking place, they alert law enforcement in a bid to get them to cut them off. ...