Monday, July 27, 2015

American Thinker: Pentagon asks civilians to stop defending its unarmed soldiers

Pentagon asks civilians to stop defending its unarmed soldiers

Image result for chattanooga soldier killings

In a piece that looks like the headlines of The Onion, the Department of Defense has asked armed citizens to stop defending unarmed soldiers in recruiting stations.  Many citizens volunteered to protect them following the latest attack by a radical Muslim at a Marine recruiting station. 

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Instead of thanking them for defending the troops, the Defense Department wants their own troops to again be sitting ducks.
The Pentagon said in a statement that it took the safety of its enlisted and civilian personnel "very seriously" and that Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter was reviewing recommendations to improve security at all facilities, including recruiting stations.
Reviewing recommendations?  Is this such a difficult problem to solve?  And until it is "solved," with the obvious solution, the soldiers will be easy targets. ...