The 'Fundamental Transformation' of America's Neighborhoods
America is now learning that on the painful road to ‘fundamental transformation,’ Barack Obama has plans to diversify suburbia. The president’s suburban justice plan is one where HUD tracks the racial and religious composition of American neighborhoods and then, doing away with the choice of established populations, makes changes to reflect Barack Obama’s vision for a fairer, more equitable nation.
The policy that accomplishes this progressive goal is aptly dubbed “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” (AFFH). A 2013 FOX News article titled "Obama administration using housing department in effort to diversify neighborhoods" claims that in conjunction with the federal government HUD will remake neighborhoods using data gathered from a “discrimination database.”
In turn, “zoning laws, housing finance policy, infrastructure planning and transportation to alleviate alleged discrimination and segregation” will be determined by government decree.
The progressive utopian assumption must be that people become smarter or richer based on where they live. Simply put, rather than respect the theory of social evolution, liberals continue to blame zip codes for the economic demise of those they imagine would otherwise be the fittest. Thus, to solve shared problems that have nothing to do with geography, the Obama transformation team is moving forward with the plan to usher low-income people into the midst of middle- and higher-income classes.
That’s why, as part of the liberal quest to establish heaven on earth, every American will be forced to live in a neighborhood designed by government totalitarians. Meanwhile, those who “spread the despair” around will continue to peacefully dwell in exclusive enclaves paid for with wealth they’ve pilfered from the pockets of those whose lives they’ve made miserable.
And here’s how it will happen: the federal government will track neighborhoods according to race, class, and ethnicity. Then, the feds will descend, rezone the area, and proceed to transform American suburbs into the equivalent of Venezuela. The hope is that flooding established communities with lower-income people that represent the racial, religious, and economic makeup of the government’s choosing will result in the ultimate exorcism of injustice. ...