Love was in the air this spring as the media covered every utterance of Rand Paul's pandering campaign to attract black voters. First Paul met with an expert on arson and rioting, the MSNBC sunday anchor Al Sharpton. Paul listened to Sharpton and learned from his race baiting wisdom, because, after all, who is better to speak to about blacks than Al Sharpton? (Ben Carson, Alan Keyes, Allen West, and Tim Scott were all unavailable.)
Then Paul said that the answer to the Ferguson riots was to release more criminals from jail, especially "low level" drug dealers, a disproportionate number of whom were presumably black. Then Paul spoke before a group of black students and said that the government should hide the criminal records of ex-offenders so they can more easily get jobs
So how has that worked out for Rand Paul? So far in the primary campaign, he has had trouble getting any voters, white or black. It's almost as if black voters can't be swayed by offering to release black criminals from jail. The liberal media must wonder why, if that doesn't motivate blacks, what else possibly could?
Then came along Donald Trump. In a recent poll he is shown as potentially capturing 25% of the black vote. As Dr. Thomas Lifson noted, this may be due to Trump's emphasis on illegal immigration, and the jobs illegals take away from black people. ...