Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 9, 2015
I suspect this is happening in other cities too—immigrant activists meeting to see how to get more of their mostly Muslim countrymen into the US.

Washington Democratic Senator Patty Murray followed Dick Durban’s (D-IL) lead in pushing Obama to admit 65,000 Syrians in FY2016.
If there are any ‘pockets of resistance’ in Washington state be sure to check out who the Syrian activists are and plan to attend their next meeting.
From the Seattle Globalist (no mention of persecuted Christians):
Dozens of Seattle-area residents gathered over the weekend to brainstorm ways to help people fleeing the war in Syria — including bringing more refugees into the state.
In Seattle, Hussein Ali, a Syrian immigrant who overcame challenges to move his family from Damascus to the U.S., quickly organized the event to make action plans. Ali says he wants the community to pressure their Congressional representatives to increase the limit of 8,000 Syrian refugees allowed into the U.S.
The next gathering is planned for Sept. 13 at the University of Washington. The group has a new page on Facebook.
It won’t take much to pressure one of their US Senators as Senator Patty Murray is a member in good standing of the Senate ‘Jihad Caucus’ which has gone on record to promote the resettlement of 65,000 Syrians to your towns across America. ...