The good folks of Colorado are even more incensed about the way their “primary” was handled after watching this shocking video which completely exposed the tactics at play by their state Republican Party leaders.
“Election day” in Colorado consisted of 600 Republicans taking to the microphone for just 10 seconds each to convince citizens they should be chosen as a national delegate and be allowed to represent the state and cast a vote for the next President of the United States!
In the video, the GOP announcer is shown shouting out “Trump conservative” and then a name before the individual is forced to speak more quickly than a world-class auctioneer during an extremely brief turn at the microphone.
“Why wouldn’t anyone want to be a delegate to the convention? You look around and you see thousands of people lining up to give a ten second speech,” Colorado national delegate, Joel Crank, said. Crank is an 18-year-old high school senior who supports Ted Cruz.
Both the delegate primary process and the electoral college system need to come to an abrupt end!
The people of Colorado chose to “elect” a stranger, who may or may not be true to his/her word, to cast their vote for the next President of the United States.
he delegates can change their minds and vote for someone the citizen loathes – especially since luxury vacation packages and expensive swag bags are allowed to be given to the “voice of the people” national delegates.
If our votes are ever going to truly count for ANYTHING, all of the middle men from the process and truly engage in a one-man-one vote system where the final tally, the popular vote, is all that counts!
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