You’ve seen it… over, and over, and over again:
“Obama to Fast Track Syrian Refugees”
“1.1 Million Refugees Enter Germany in 2015”
“Millions of Refugees Waiting to Cross Mediterranean into Europe”
“Syrian Refugees Discovered Crossing US-Mexico Border”
Millions of refugees are coming to the Western world, and the exodus is not slowing down.
So what will be the consequences for your city?
Maybe you live in America, Canada, or Australia, and you wonder…
How will life change when my city gets thousands of refugees from Africa and the Middle East?
New Year’s Eve in Cologne, Germany could only be described as total anarchy. Nobody will ever know how many victims there were. The crimes took place directly in front of the city’s main train station and historic cathedral. The police were completely overwhelmed against a violent mob of young non-European men. According to the official police report, we do have some statistics:
1,049 total victims of various crimes
359 victims of sexual crimes
126 different reports of “rape by group” (also known as gang rape)
The German police only managed to catch about 30 criminal suspects. All of them were of North African/Arabic descent and 15 were officially registered as asylum seekers.
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