Sunday, May 15, 2016

Allan Wall - VDare: Soros Evangelical Russell Moore Moves From Hating Whites To Blasphemy - Always hard to believe such comical pipsqueaks are in charge. --tma


Russell Moore’s official title is President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, but he seems to view himself as the Pope and Grand Inquisitor of all Evangelicals. Moore has been campaigning against the heresy of Trumpism for some time, claiming in the New York Times back in September that “to back Mr. Trump, these [evangelical] voters must repudiate everything they believe.” As an evangelical Christian myself, and a local church deacon, I strongly disagree. I believe Moore’s attitude is arrogant, hypocritical—and, ultimately, blasphemous.
Moore just hurled another NYT anathema against Trump’s evangelical supporters [A White Church No More, May 6, 2016]. It got him on “Face the Nation” (May 8), where he said evangelicals shouldn’t vote for Trump or Hillary. (So….?) The next day Donald Trump tweeted that “Russell Moore is truly a terrible representative of Evangelicals and all of the good they stand for. A nasty guy with no heart!” ...