Thursday, June 30, 2016

Independent: Japan’s Top Court Has Approved Blanket Surveillance of the Country’s Muslims - Even more amazing? Japanese govt not trying to erase the ethnic Japanese. --tma

Japan’s Supreme Court has upheld the government’s blanket surveillance of the country’s Muslim community.
The court struck down the second appeal by Japanese Muslim plaintiffs against what they perceive as an unconstitutional invasion of their privacy and freedom of religion.
A 2010 leak of 114 police files revealed nationwide surveillance of Japanese Muslims. The files revealed that Muslim places of worship, halal restaurants and Islam-related organisations across the capital, Tokyo, were being monitored.
Within a few weeks of the leak, the data had been downloaded 10,000 times in 20 different countries from a file-sharing website.
A group of 17 Japanese Muslims, mostly from Middle Eastern and North African countries, decided to sue the Japanese government for infringing on their constitutional rights. ...

Guardian: Theresa May launches Tory leadership bid with pledge to unite country - A 'Remain' supporter, I recall May ridiculing the idea that the West is in a 'Clash of Civilizations.' - Head-in-sand? --tma

Theresa May has launched her bid for the Conservative leadership, pledging that “Brexit means Brexit” and that there would be no general election before 2020.

The home secretary, who campaigned to remain in the EU, positioned herself as the candidate of stability and experience.
Asked for her pitch, she said: “I’m Theresa May and I’m the best person to be prime minister.”
The event was electrified by Michael Gove’s surprise announcement just minutes before she stood up that he would run for the leadership because, he said, Boris Johnson was not a suitable candidate.
Bookmakers were making May the favourite, followed by Gove, even before Johnson dramatically announced later in the morning, after she had made her speech, that he was not going to stand. ...

Refugee R Watch: Swiss take Muslim assimilation seriously; girls can’t become citizens if they refuse coed swim class - Otherwise it would be fine for them to replace Europeans. --tma

Posted by Ann Corcoran on June 30, 2016
Invasion of Europe news…..
swiss flagSwitzerland is one of the few countries in Europe not completely inundated with migrants from the Middle East and Africa.  And, if this news gets out in a big way, maybe fewer Muslim migrants will be knocking on their doors.
From the Washington Times:
The Swiss government recently rejected citizenship for two Muslim immigrant girls who refused to swim with boys in a coed class at school, USA Today said Tuesday, citing reports from Swiss media outlets.
Little swiss town with gothic church on Lake Lucerne and Alps mountain, Switzerland.
Little swiss town with gothic church on Lake Lucerne and Alps mountain, Switzerland. The country is 70 percent Christian. Photo:
“The girls, whose names were not disclosed, said their religion prevents them from participating in compulsory swimming lessons with males in the pool at the same time,” USA Today reported. “Their naturalization application was rejected because the sisters did not comply with the school curriculum, Basel authorities said.”
“In Switzerland, unlike in the United States and many other countries, integration into society is more important for naturalization than knowledge of national history or politics,” USA Today explained. “Candidates for citizenship must prove that they are well assimilated in their communities and respect local customs and traditions.”
Roughly 5 percent of Swiss citizens are Muslim, while more than 70 percent are Christian and 21.4 percent profess no religious affiliation, according to the CIA’s World Factbook.
While the Swiss constitution guarantees “[freedom of religion and conscience” and the right to “choose” and “profess” one’s religious or philosophical views “alone or in community with others,” in recent years the Swiss have sought to promote cultural assimilation among Muslim immigrants via legislative means.

Breitbart: Constitutional Lawyers Say Brexit Not A ‘Done Deal’, Can Still Be Blocked

In a stark warning to those who believe that Brexit was secured by the recent referendum result, constitutional experts have revealed there is a way to ignore the will of the voters.

The view that it is still possible to block a Brexit through legal machinations hangs on the fact that the first step required to leave the European Union (EU) requires Members of Parliament (MPs) to pass an Act of Parliament.

According to a lengthy legal opinion written by members of the UK Constitutional Law Association, the Article 50 declaration required by the Lisbon Treaty to kick off the Brexit process can be stopped by pro-Remain MPs simply voting down the Act. ...

RR Watch - In advance of UN shindig with Trudeau, Obama strongarming US businesses to give jobs, aid to refugees--not US unemployed.

Posted by Ann Corcoran on June 29, 2016
In September Obama and Justin Trudeau will be hosting a refugee shindig at the United Nations and so in advance of that Reuters tells us Obama will be pressuring businesses (starting tomorrow) to give more jobs to refugees, and more goodies too.  I guess he wants to brag at the UN this fall.
But, wait, aren’t we being told ad nauseum that refugees are self-sustaining within months of arrival and boosting the local economy wherever they are placed?  Can’t have it both ways! ...

Radford, Virginia: Latest American town to be Islamicized / third-world-ized by Obama and Ryan

To The Citizens of Radford, Virginia

Radford Virginia

To The Citizens of Radford, Virginia June 29, 2016
Over the past few weeks, two important meetings were held in Radford. The subject of both was to introduce Radford to the refugee resettlement program under the auspices of Commonwealth Catholic Charities, a sub-contractor for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.  The USCCB is a federal contractor in the business of resettling refugees in your community.  Both meetings were conducted in local churches and sought volunteers to help with the resettlement activities.
Let’s start with some facts: who are these people, what are they doing here and why Radford?
USCCB is a federal contractor in the business – and yes, it is a business – of resettling refugees under the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement and the Virginia Office of Newcomer Services. Much of their funding comes from federal grant money allocated to Virginia and passed through the Virginia ONS.  Voluntary Agencies (VOLAGs) such as the USCCB are paid by the head.  In other words, the more refugees they resettle, the more money they receive.  Given this business model, there is no incentive for any VOLAG to stop resettling refugees in your community.  Once it starts, it will not stop until either your community can’t shoulder any more or you stop it.
Yes, they are talking about only bringing in two families.  But this is how it always starts.  Look to your neighbors in the north in Roanoke to understand what awaits you.  Roanoke has accepted close to 2,000 refugees over more than ten years from Afghanistan, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burma, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Pakistan, Republic of South Sudan, Russia, Rwanda, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan and Vietnam.
And that number – 2,000 – is only the direct and initial refugee resettlement.  It does not include secondary migration ...

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Refugee R Watch: Is Welcoming America “collaborating” in your town with your elected officials/businesses - A 'welcoming community' usually means globalists have been able to secretly slip the first few welfare Muslim families into your hapless town. --tma

- - -

Remember what happened to 'Welcome Wagon' in the original Independence Day?

Posted by Ann Corcoran on June 29, 2016
Oh boy, the newest buzz word in the refugee industry is “collaboration” (gee, is that what is driving the Twin Falls mayor and council too, they want to be like Boise?).
Here is a story on Cleveland where we are told that the refugees are better off than refugees anywhere else in America! Yes, you got it! The rest of you (200 towns and cities) better shape up!
REfugees welcome Ohio
She doesn’t understand that big businesses and Chambers of Commerce need people like her to shill for them as they need the cheap immigrant labor that refugees supply! Watch Maggie here (and don’t miss the Palestinian activist at the end!):
And who says Cleveland’s are the best, none other than Refugee Services Collaborative of Greater ClevelandGo here to see what/who that is!  I bet if you researched each group making up the “collaborative” most would be living off your tax dollars.
Go here to read about when Welcoming America first showed up in Cleveland in 2013.

Welcoming America is collaborator-in-chief!

Yesterday a reader sent me an alert from Welcoming America which says the deadline has been extended one week for you to get your grant requests in to them to see if you will be one of the big winners—you will get federal $ to be trained on how to collaborate to make your town the most welcome town it can be!
In the past year, Welcoming America (WA) received an Office of Refugee Resettlement grant to distribute to the those lucky winners who submit the best applications for projects that seek to develop strategies to (LOL! my phrase) ‘mind meld’ your community, to turn it from a town filled with a bunch of hateful unwelcoming redneck boobs to a town filled with love and understanding where multicultural joy reigns supreme for ever and ever.
Here is WA which received just short of $300,000 of your dollars for the project (go to USA  Deadline was this coming Friday (July 1), but has been extended for another week (what? not enough takers?):
Collaborations for Welcoming Refugees Deadline Extended to Friday, July 8
Apply for an exciting new opportunity to advance your local collaborative through customized coaching and training from Welcoming America. Local collaboration shows great promise for coordinating, expanding, and scaling refugee integration and welcome in communities. Many communities such as Boise and Cleveland have had great success in fostering greater community support for refugees through local community collaborations.
Collaborations for Welcoming Refugees participants will receive personalized technical assistance and will connect with and learn from other collaboratives participating in Collaborations for Welcoming Refugees. Whether your collaborative is just starting out or is more seasoned, apply now to be part of this new effort. Learn more and apply for this exciting opportunity by Friday, July. [They obviously left off the 8—ed]
They are called collaboratives in case you missed it.
Go here to see what you have to do to get a fistful of taxpayer dollars to promote the colonization of your town and thus help change the demographic makeup of America so that big businesses/Chambers of Commerce, like the members of Global Cleveland (a member of the Cleveland COLLABORATIVE) can increase their bottom lines!
Note to do-gooders! You and the refugees are being used!
Go here for all of our previous posts on Welcoming America.

Breitbart - 300,000 more African migrants headed to Europe predicted Fabrice Leggeri, director of [non] control of external EU borders - Sort of like the Titanic's Director of Iceberg Control making learned pronouncements as his ship is halfway submerged. --tma

The director of the agency for the [non?] control of the external borders of the European Union (EU) has predicted that as many as 300,000 new migrants will be heading up from sub-Saharan Africa into Europe, most of whom will attempt to reach Italy as first port of call.

Fabrice Leggeri, the director of Frontex, said Tuesday that he based his estimates in part on recent surveys done in the Agadez region of  Niger, where sub-Saharan migration has reached 13 thousand persons per month.

“If migration flows from West Africa continue toward Libya, then we must expect some 300,000 people fleeing this year from West Africa to the northern Maghreb, to then continue to travel to Europe,” he said ...

Refugee R Watch: Idaho again! Will the ticking time bomb of refugee TB go off in your state one day?

Posted by Ann Corcoran on June 29, 2016
Michael Patrick Leahy has released another in a series of investigative reports on Tuberculosis and other communicable diseases permitted entry to the US with the refugee flow to 48 states (and soon to one more—Montana).
And, if you are saying to yourself, sheesh Idaho again!, remember this is happening where you live or will happen where you live. Wyoming is the only state that has been wise enough to stay out of the whole messy business.
Lavinia Limon cspan
Limon runs the major federal contracting agency resettling refugees in Twin Falls through her subcontractor the College of Southern Idaho. She was Bill Clinton’s director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement and in this bio her affiliation with USCRI still lists USCRI’s previous names—why did they change their name twice, does anyone know?
Here is the Leahy story at Breitbart yesterday that up until the Islamic terror attack in Turkey yesterday was the lead story on Drudge:
Seven refugees with active tuberculosis (TB) were diagnosed shortly after their resettlement in Idaho between 2011 and 2015, according to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.
This makes Idaho the seventh state to confirm to Breitbart News that recently arrived refugees have been diagnosed with active TB.
The other states in which recently arrived refugees have been diagnosed with active TB include: Louisiana (twenty-one), Florida (eleven), Colorado, (ten), Indiana (four), Kentucky (where nine were diagnosed in one county), and North Dakota (where four refugees who resided in the United States for less than five years were diagnosed in one county).
Idaho is one of fourteen states that have withdrawn from the federal refugee resettlement program where the federal government has hired a voluntary agency (VOLAG) to resettle refugees under the statutorily questionable Wilson Fish alternative program.
In Idaho, the federal government has contracted the Idaho Office for Refugees a division of the large non-profit known as Janus, to run the program. Janus is one of the largest organizations within the lucrative and politically connected refugee resettlement industry, which is paid more than $1 billion per year by the federal government.
Continue reading here (and to access links).
See our complete ‘health issues’ category here which includes posts on Leahy’s previous work.

About tricking the public with names and name changes in the refugee resettlement industry  

The Idaho Office for Refugees is a name that is meant to confuse you.  The state government of Idaho does not have a refugee office. Jannus Inc. (a non-profit group) runs the program in Idaho (a Wilson-Fish state).  Until recently Jannus Inc. was Mountain States Group.  So if you are looking for data, or researching grants, etc., your search becomes more challenging as they change names like they change their underwear. (LOL! they say the new name is in honor of the Roman God Janus, hmmmm?)
As a matter of fact, the major federal contractor in Twin Falls, Idaho—the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (one of nine)—has changed its name several times over the years.  See our post from 2009 in which we mention their previous names. Why is this name-changing so prevalent?  
My first guess is that they screwed up somewhere (business-wise, or PR-wise) and need a clean slate on which to build a new brand.

Peter Goodchild - CEC - One Ring to Bind Them All: From Islam to the EU. Islam, Marxism and EU have same goal: establish world government and to turn masses into slaves.

Muslims repeatedly kill and wound large numbers of people. Basically quite simple. But then I find a large number of questions floating around. For one thing, the politicians and the mainstream news are all saying that such attacks are perpetrated by “terrorists,” not specifically by “Muslims.” So this raises the large issue of disinformation. The KGB, during the Cold War, were quite instrumental in developing this. One of the main tricks is not to tell a lie exactly, because it’s possible to get caught, but simply to tweak the facts a tiny bit, even if the final effect is not so tiny. Now politicians do it all the time. By saying “terrorists” rather than “Muslims,” the average television-viewer can wipe the sweat from his forehead and say, “Oh, thank God. Terrorists. I was afraid it was Muslims.” Then he can go to bed, sleep like a baby, and snore all night long.

Somebody once asked me: Why would people deliberately blow themselves up? To a modern Westerner this seems incomprehensible. The answer is that the jihadis think they’ll go straight to heaven if they perform these acts of martyrdom. And how could people believe such a thing? Because they have such faith in their God. Islam was created fourteen centuries ago, and it has hardly changed since then. In order to understand Islam one can study the history of Europe at that same time, the early Middle Ages. Consider the fact that even the Christian monks spent centuries burning other monks at the stake over minor issues of theological doctrine. And for Muslims nowadays, violence on that level is all part of the grand tradition.

For Westerners, part of the disturbing news these days is that Muslim attacks are often right in the heart of Europe. So the unspoken fear is that jihad is moving even further west. What will happen next in Germany, for example?

Then there’s the great stumbling block of Angela Merkel. ...

AFP: Media firms lose control of news as tech platforms rise - Even if news feeds based on algorithms, still programmed by biased humans.


Washington (AFP) - When allegations emerged that Facebook was skewing its trending news stories, many learned about it... on Facebook.
That underscored the rapid shift in media -- not only is news moving from print to digital, but Facebook, Google and other tech platforms are increasingly becoming the main gateways for information.
Technology and social media firms are increasingly playing a role in filtering and delivering news, often with automated feeds, algorithms and "bots" designed to determine the most relevant articles.
That means the news industry is rapidly losing control of the news along with the revenue that goes with it, underscoring the profound changes in the journalism world. ...

WND - Twin Falls, ID: 5-year-old girl 'afraid to go outside after [migrant] sex assault - Now "wears two pairs of underpants to protect herself" - Nutty Mayor Barigar blames Internet --tma

Twin Falls, Idaho

The 5-year-old Idaho girl who was sexually assaulted by migrant boys from Sudan and Iraq has become a “prisoner in her own house” since the crime was allegedly committed more than three weeks ago, says a close friend of the family.
That’s because one suspect’s family who was evicted from the apartment complex has still not moved out.
The families of the three boys involved – two from Sudan ages 10 and 14 and a third from Iraq age 7 – were all evicted from the Fawnbrook Apartments in Twin Falls last week following publicity about the sexual assault, which occurred June 2 in a laundry room at the complex. The Sudanese families immediately left the complex but the Iraqis still reside there, right next door to the victim. ....

Tuesday, June 28, 2016 Obama Admin Dumps 4,000 More Alien Kids into the US - Obama sent about 132 illegal alien children per day to live in American neighborhoods during April.

According to data recently released by the Office of Refugee Settlement, the Obama administration dumped another 4,097 illegal alien kids into U.S. communities during the month of April, adding on to the 29,250 kids the government had shipped to sponsors in the United States between October and March.
Broken down, this means the federal government sent about 132 illegal alien children per day to live in American neighborhoods during the month of April.
While this might not seem like a shockingly high number, here’s another way of looking at it. Based on 2015-16 enrollment data, the average Washington, D.C. middle school holds about 550 students. So in other words, the number of illegal alien kids the federal government processed and released in April alone would max out seven Washington, D.C. middle schools.
These children are usually placed with family members already living in the U.S.,regardless of the relative's immigration status. ...

Infowars - Malmo, Sweden: Muslim Smashes Up Swedish Church, Italian Saint Defaced with “Allahu Akbar” Graffiti - Will Swedish voters ever overthrow their occupation government? --tma


Europe got another taste of the cultural enrichment it is currently importing when a Muslim man screaming “Allahu Akbar” smashed up a Christian church in Sweden, while the statue of a Saint in Italy was defaced with the same words scrawled in graffiti.
According to Fria Tider, the man broke into St. Paul’s Church in central Malmö Sunday night and smashed window panes. ...

Video: Paul Weston addresses David Cameron on Islam, 'Religion of Peace.' - "Now, come on, Mr. Cameron, enough of your lies and your cowardice."

Report: Mexican police, troops 'routinely' rape arrested women - As our Open-Borders Overlords work overtime importing all this into the USA. --tma


Mexico's police and armed forces routinely torture and mistreat women, sometimes using sexual violence during arrest and interrogation, Amnesty International wrote in a damning report released on Tuesday.
The rights group interviewed 100 women who reported violence during arrest, all of whom described having been the victim of some form of sexual harassment or psychological abuse. Seven in ten of the women reported sexual violence during arrest or in the hours that followed.
The types of mistreatment the women were subjected to included blows to the stomach and head, threats of rape directed either at them or their families, near-asphyxiation, electric shocks to the genitals, groping and rape.
"Police appear to be using them as easy targets for arrest to boost figures and show society that the government's security efforts are yielding results," said an Amnesty International statement.
"The women subjected to such violence are mostly young and from low income backgrounds.  ...

AP: Trump Takes on Trade Deals in PA Speech - "This wave of globalization has wiped out totally, totally our middle class"

MONESSEN, Pa. (AP) -- Republican Donald Trump took aim at U.S. free trade deals in a speech delivered in Western Pennsylvania Tuesday that painted his likely Democratic rival Hillary Clinton as a champion of the kind of globalization that has pushed manufacturing jobs overseas.

"This wave of globalization has wiped out totally, totally our middle class," said Trump, standing in front of stacks of compressed metal on the floor of Alumisource, a plant that provides aluminum scrap and other raw materials to the aluminum and steel industries. "It doesn't have to be this way. We can turn it around and we can turn it around fast." ...

Refugee R Watch: Hillary’s 65,000 Syrians would cost US over $400 billion over their lifetimes - "you pay for the resettlement of third worlders who will ultimately out-populate you and your posterity"

Posted by Ann Corcoran on June 28, 2016
That is the estimate the highly respected Heritage Foundation expert on welfare, Robert Rector, has estimated.
The Daily Caller has the story, here.
Hillary Clinton’s proposal to accept an additional 65,000 Syrian refugees annually could potentially cost $403 billion in lifetime costs if implemented all four years in a hypothetical first term.

Hillary got the 65,000 number from her pal, former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, who is now the head honcho at the financially largest US refugee resettlement contractor (International Rescue Committee). Photo about special relationship:
That’s according to a new analysis released Monday by the Senate subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest.
Currently, the Obama administration is planning to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees in fiscal year 2016, which ends September 30.
In total, the Obama administration is planning to take in 85,000 refugees, while the original plan was to take in 100,000 refugees. Clinton’s proposal would potentially increase that number to 155,000 refugees entering the United States annually.
Robert Rector, a scholar at the Heritage Foundation, estimated the costs of local, state, and federal benefits for refugees and found that the lifetime cost of admitting 10,000 refugees is $6.5 billion.
It is extremely hard to estimate the cost of the massive welfare that refugees receive so we have never even tried here at RRW, but Rector has put pencil to paper to do the calculations. Continue reading here for more.
Where does this 65,000 number come from? Well initially it came from David Miliband, Hillary’s pal who runs the International Rescue Committee.  The other nine federal contractors followed suit and then the Senate Jihad Caucus (our name!) sent a letter to Obama telling him that they want 65,000 Syrians ASAP.   We addressed the demand here in a youtube video last year.
The resettlement contractors subsequently upped their demand to 100,000 Syrians.
Galling isn’t it to think that you pay for the resettlement of third worlders who will ultimately out-populate you and your posterity.

WND: Obama Idaho prosecutor Olson 'silencing Americans with threats of arrest' - Latest news on US Papa Doc Administration --tma

Reaction to threatening comments from President Obama’s U.S. attorney in Idaho following the release of two Muslim boys accused of sexually assaulting a 5-year-old girl have been swift and severe.
Wendy J. Olson, the U.S. attorney for Idaho, indicated in a statement Friday that Idahoans who spread “false or inflammatory information” about the alleged Muslim perpetrators may be subject to prosecution. The boys accused are ages 14, 10 and 7, and their families have been evicted from the Fawnbrook Apartments in Twin Falls, where the assault allegedly took place.
The two older boys are immigrants from Sudan and the youngest is from Iraq. They are believed to be refugees but the government has yet to say exactly how they entered the country, only that they have come “within the last two years.”
The Olson statement that is drawing fire from First Amendment advocates is as follows:
“The spread of false information or inflammatory or threatening statements about the perpetrators or the crime itself reduces public safety and may violate federal law.”
[ ... ]

 Daniel Horowitz, who represents WND on First Amendment issues, went one step further. He suggested Olson’s words, insinuated that “false or inflammatory” speech could get an American citizen arrested, consisted of a terroristic threat.
“Wendy Olson should be arrested for making terrorist threats against American citizens,” Horowitz said. “She has abused her position and threatened to use the power of the United States government to punish citizens in the exercise of their constitutional rights. ...

Monday, June 27, 2016

Refugee R Watch: Is your Chamber of Commerce working with ‘progressives’ to bring in 'refugees,' as in Nashville, TN?

Posted by Ann Corcoran on June 27, 2016
They apparently are in Nashville, TN according to this story at a website called The New South?’
For background on ‘Welcoming America’ (click here ) for our past posts.
To tell you the truth, this, to me, is one of the great mysteries of the whole refugee resettlement industry—how is it that Republicans like Paul Ryan (backed by the Chamber) are so doggedly pro-refugee and the only answer that continues to make any sense is that refugees are needed as cheap labor for businesses (workers salaries are low, but welfare fills the gap) and they are all new consumers (food, used cars, housing etc.).
I don’t see any other explanation than this—your community is disrupted socially and culturally so these business interests can make more money, and politicians can fill their campaign coffers.
To add insult to injury, all of the myriad economic interests have figured out how to hide under that white hat of humanitarianism. Do they have training sessions on how to snooker the public? I wonder!
Perhaps one of the most shocking photos I’ve seen in a long time is this one (posted in this story).  Certain special people—‘NEW Americans’—are not required to pledge allegiance to their new country.

Somalis swearing

In 2014, speaking from Casa Azafran where TIRRC [Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition—ed] and its allied organizations are headquartered, Obama talked about his New American Task Force*** and his end-run-around-the-Congress DACA program. He specifically recognized, David Lubell, TIRRC’s first director and creator of “Welcoming Tennessee/ Welcoming America” who also won an award from the National Council of La Raza awarded.
Welcoming America will judge how progressive your community is
Nashville is among the “Welcoming Cities” in Welcoming America’s (WA) network. Last year, Welcoming America paid the Nashville Chamber of Commerce for an economic report to support their story that legal and illegal immigrants are the hub of Nashville’s economic success. The Chamber’s report looks strangely just like the WA website, suggesting a WA templated product that will be replicated by Chambers in other “welcoming cities.”
The real agenda of groups like TIRRC and WA is to mutate our communities until they satisfy a leftist open-borders, one-world, globalist vision of an ideal society.
Read about Obama’s New American Task Force, here.
Find out if your Chamber of Commerce is peddling a similar report! ...
     Maybe time for Nashville to revise the Waylon Jenning song, 'Mama's Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Jihadis.'

WND - Buchanan: After Brexit, a Trump path to victory

Some of us have long predicted the breakup of the European Union. The Cousins appear to have just delivered the coup de grace.
While Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to remain in the EU, England voted for independence. These people, with their unique history, language and culture, want to write their own laws and rule themselves.
The English wish to remain who they are, and they do not want their country to become, in Theodore Roosevelt’s phrase, “a polyglot boarding house” for the world.
From patriots of all nations, congratulations are in order.
It will all begin to unravel now, over there, and soon over here.
Across Europe, tribalism, of all strains, is resurgent. Not only does the EU appear to be breaking up, countries appear about to break up. ...

Gregory Hood Review: Independence Day - Resurgence - "The impact of Social Justice Warriors and multiculturalism makes it difficult to create anything genuinely new."


     Spoiler Alert for anyone with the fortitude to actually try to watch this thing.

The hostile aliens in Independence Day view the planets they conquer simply as repositories for resources. They move to a planet, crush the resistance, then drill to the planet’s core to suck up what’s available and move on, leaving a hollow husk floating in space.
This is an apt metaphor for how culture is produced today. The impact of Social Justice Warriors and multiculturalism makes it difficult to create anything genuinely new. So filmmakers rely on already established franchises which can be mined and drained until all the nostalgia is gone. Then they move on to something else, leaving a hulk behind.
So it is with Independence Day: Resurgence, the lame sequel to the 1996 summer blockbuster. ...