Saturday, June 25, 2016

Adam Young - VDare: “I Won’t Lie, I Did Cry.” A Briton Rejoices At BREXIT’s Triumph - [Voters] ignored the fear peddled by Obama, Cameron, Juncker, and every other “enlightened” expert. They knew that none of those people lived or had even been to the areas affected by the EU.

When I woke up on that warm 24th of June, at six o’clock, other than my regular neck ache, I felt something, a sense of disappointment. I knew Leave had lost the referendum. The exit polls had said that leave would lose. The bookies had said we would lose. My natural-born pessimism had seeped in.
Of course, I was in bed at this time. I was left to my thoughts. My own cynical thoughts. I hadn’t actually bothered to look at the news.
That was until my sister came screeching in exclaiming, “We are leaving the EU! You won!”
I had to make sure. “It couldn’t be,” I thought. “The people taking a stand? No chance. She must be pulling my leg.”
But lo and behold, it was true. Utterly. 52% for Leave to a 48% for Remain.
I won’t lie, I did cry. I’m not ashamed of it either. I’m rarely made happy by the political discourse, but this was the rare exception. I had actually had a sense of pride for the nation and the people who finally took a stand against its masters. ...