Wednesday, June 15, 2016

James Kirkpatrick - VDare - Trump Gets It: We Don’t Have A Gun Problem, Or Even A Terrorism Problem. We Have An Immigration Problem—And A Lying Press Problem

It’s fitting Donald Trump’s speech on immigration was paired with him revoking the press credentials of the Washington Post for its biased and dishonest reporting. His speech was nothing less than a declaration of war on the Open Borders and anti-national Narrative of the Main Stream Media, the Democratic Party, and academia [Donald J. Trump Addresses Terrorism, Immigration, and National SecurityDonald J Trump for President, June 13, 2016].

He not only banished rumors he was backing down on his proposed Muslim travel ban but laid out the kind of vision for patriotic immigration reform Americans have been begging for since 1965. And he identified the force which is actively endangering Americans—not the increasingly irrelevant Democrats, but what Germans call the Lügenpresse—the lying press.
Trump declared that the purpose of immigration is to benefit the already existing population of American citizens. He also denied the MSM conventional wisdom that the United States simply exists as a kind of global boarding house that every person on Earth already has a right to occupy. ...