Thursday, July 7, 2016

Daily Mail: Bill O'Reilly releases Obama Muslim dress photos - Hmm, refuses to identify enemy and importing countless. --tma

O'Reilly claims the pictures prove Obama has 'deep emotional ties' to Islam

Bill O'Reilly released images of President Barack Obama claiming they were from the Muslim wedding of his half brother Malik

President Obama was Malik's best man at his first wedding in 1981 and Malik served as his best man when he married Michelle 

O'Reilly claims the photos were taken in Maryland in the early 1990s 

Fox News host said the pictures prove President Obama has 'deep emotional ties to Islam' and is not a 'devout Christian'

O'Reilly claims this has 'hurt the USA' because Obama has failed to combat ISIS which he calls the 'Obama administration's greatest failure' ...