Wednesday, July 6, 2016

James Kirkpatrick - VDare: Face It: These RATs (Republicans Against Trump) Are Traitors To The Party—And To America - “'Conservatives' who believe they can afford to let Hillary Clinton become president because of their tender 'conscience' should realize they are being had. Unless mass immigration is stopped, the GOP, conservatism and the historic American nation have no future."

A new poll has Donald Trump within one point as “Crooked Hillary”continues to bleed support because of her reputation for corruption [Trump Nearly Tied With Clinton in New Surveyby Eli Yokley,Morning Consult, July 5, 2016]. FBI Director James Comey just essentially admitted Hillary Clinton broke the law by mishandling classified information, but shrank from charging her because of her last name.  The shockingly radical Democratic Party platform now endorses de facto open borders with an end to “raids and roundups,” a full defense of Barack Obama’s Executive Amnesties, and a “path to citizenship” for the tens of millions of illegals  [2016 Democratic Party Platform Draft, 2016 Democratic National Convention, July 1, 2016]. The GOP might never recover from this demographic death blow—but this is the moment that Republicans Against Trump [RATs] have chosen to stab him in the back.
To the enthusiastic applause of the Lying Press, RATs are consciously seeking to deliver the Oval Office to the woman whom Conservatism Inc.  has been promising to defeat for two decades. ...