WWI destruction
There is a trifling amount of butterfat in milk — 3.9 percent in Holstein milk, 5.4 percent in Jersey and Guernsey milk — and yet without it milk tastes like chalk dissolved in water, there would be no French cooking, no butter to put on your bread, no cheese and no milk chocolate from Switzerland. It's the same with hops in beer; a trace amount transforms barley water into the world's most popular beverage.
My point is that the key ingredient in some things is critical to their very existence. Take stainless steel for instance. The basic alloy, type 304 (18-8), possesses a minimum of 18% chromium and 8% nickel, combined with a maximum of 0.08% carbon. Take away the chrome and nickel and you don't have stainless steel anymore.
We know this is also true in biology because of the great discoveries in animal breeding and horticulture where a few individual genetic strains have transformed both plants and animals into stronger, hardier, beefier versions of themselves. And, despite its bad reputation, we know it's also true with human populations in the branch of science called eugenics. Women tend to marry strong handsome men because they want strong beautiful babies. Women also practice positive eugenics when they abort babies suffering from identified diseases, and for the same reasons, call it eugenics on the micro level.
But what about eugenics on the macro level? What would happen to a society if it selected for passivity and conducted a mass event, or several mass events, to end the genetic lines of the strongest, most aggressive and most virile members of that society? What if we were to call these gigantic, and horrible human experiments WWI and WWII? ...

Very well written on a central aspect of our plight, to which we can add the American Brother Bloodbath of 1861-65. Besides the fact there must have been some alpha male genes that were too young to fight in all those wars, it is hard to overestimate the impact of decades of anti-European propaganda practically starting in the cradle. Also I believe even the average person is genetically prone to struggle in order to succeed, and sometimes, especially in early adulthood, even to relish a certain amount of danger and hardship. I think it is mistaken to assume that in the future young White men will be perfectly content polishing off salty snacks washed down with alcoholic beverages while staring forever at electronic screens. Sort of like working all year for a vacation and then being rather glad it is over so you can face new monkey wrenches being thrown into your career path, there is an excitement to being challenged. There definitely may be some truth to the sad White female situation described, but I doubt that many European women are hungering for virile Muslim sperm. The women of Cologne certainly didn't seem overly appreciative of being groped. Things are becoming so bad in the West--with, for example, in the U.S. the Obama regime in its final months determined to see how many hundreds of thousands of Muslim 'refugees' it can catapult into small town America--for European ethnics it will soon be do or die. I do not think the party is over by a longshot. I believe that as more Whites, or Europeans, awaken to the importance of their unique formerly dynamic identity and the gravity of its demographic demise it will create a synergistic effect that will move toward a liberating tipping point.