They are mainly lefties after all. Jews aren't the only people to believe in open borders, and a long list of other misguided destructive illusions. If they were, we'd actually be in good shape.
"Jews aren't the only people to believe in open borders" Yes, thank you, that is flamingly obviously. But just follow the ring leaders--Senate freshman EMK was kind of the frontman--for the 1965 open-borders legislation that for decades has been demographically dispossessing European Americans. As Kevin MacDonald, of 'The Culture of Critique,' says, something can be necessary but not necessarily sufficient. However if you remove that one core factor of an extremely wealthy and powerful and, yes, cohesive group working together relentlessly, in everywhere from Hollywood to academia, most of the current cultural and demographic nightmare would not be taking place. People will keep trying to run interference by muddying the waters, saying such things that Jews are not the only culprits or by dismissing this as some vague 'conspiracy theory,' etc, but it doesn't take too much research and a person soon will have to determinedly avoid the facts at every turn, to be blissfully unaware of the central role of the Jewish community--yes, with happy exceptions--in diluting and destabilizing the West. And this has been going on for centuries, which apparently involves some sort of reflexive self-defense mechanism, including continual determined efforts at denying it. As for being organized, all Jews in the nation or the world do not need to meet around a big conference table or have secret handshakes to individually pull together. Recognizing that there are peoples working together for what they see as a common ethnic interest can be dismissed as 'conspiracy theories' to Whites because we are uniquely individualistic, so to us it seems unlikely and strange for people to be mostly pulling together as an ethnic group. However, Jews, although perhaps the most cohesive group in the world, especially if you consider they are scattered all around the globe, are much closer to the world norm of, say, the Chinese or Japanese, than is true of we extremely individualistic ethnic Europeans--which is turning out to be our downfall.