Friday, October 14, 2016

VDare - James Kirkpatrick - GOP Inc so dumb it can't engineer a backstabbing—and will pay the price - Angry patriots will turn to candidates to the right of Trump.

Image result for paul ryan in dunce hat

The GOP Establishment’s attempted coup against Donald Trump is collapsing. Elected officials who renounced their support for the Republican nominee are scrambling to re-bend the knee. [Republicans endorse, unendorse and then re-endorse Donald Trumpby Elise FoleyHuffington Post, October 12, 2016] The latest: Senators John Thune and Deb Fischer, both of whom now say they will vote for Trump after initially calling for him to withdraw from the race [Sens. Thune, Fischer Change Tune on Donald Trump, by Kristina PetersonThe Wall Street Journal,October 12, 2016].
Leftist reporters are snarking, quite rightly, at this characteristic weakness of cuckservatives who can neither support the standard bearer of their party nor effectively oppose him. And Trump himself is triumphantly proclaiming “the shackles have been taken off” so he can “fight for America the way I want to”.  ...