Sunday, October 16, 2016

VDare - John Derbyshire speculates, reasonably, p***y hit job on Trump came from Bush Dynasty - "Where were these schoolmarms of our culture when JFK was prowling the White House corridors for his daily lay?"

Image result for clinton dynasty

I guess The Donald should be glad at least that his enemies can’t play the Hitler card. Hitler seems to have been well-nigh sexless—definitely not a ladies’ man. Eva Braun once grumbled that he had never treated her like a woman. Nobody’s quite sure what she meant, and whatever it was died with her in the bunker. But it’s not a thing you can imagine a woman saying about Trump.
Oh, wait—his enemies are playing the Hitler card.[Springtime for Donald | Let’s just say it: Trump sounds more and more like Hitler, By William Saletan [Email him] , Slate, October 14, 2016] ...