Friday, November 3, 2017

RRW - New map out on what refugees to what states - "DR Congo is a hit-cause right now, but watch for movement to the Burmese Rohingya. Iraqis had their hay-day. Bhutan chic is fading, and Syrians are oh-so-yesterday. Somalis remain a reliably cool choice year after year."

Pew produces handy summary of where refugees have been placed since FY02

Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 3, 2017
The Pew Research Center, which has the money and time, has put together a handy interactive map to show which ethnic groups were placed in which states since fiscal year 2002.
This is the 2017 map (FY17 ended on September 30th, 2017). Of course it can be deceptive because it doesn’t show the numbers.
Take Hawaii for instance that shows Burmese predominated in the refugee flow to that state, but it doesn’t tell you that the flow was probably a whole 3 Burmese refugees (maybe 5 or 6 ...