Tuesday, March 19, 2019

College Fix - University of Washington Prof Robin DiAngelo white privilege lecture tells students white people are ‘dangerous’ if they don’t see race - Her field? White Studies - Against everything MLK stood for! [sarc] --tma

BOSTON — During a guest lecture at Boston University on Monday, University of Washington Professor Robin DiAngelo told the audience a “dangerous white person” sees people as individuals rather than by skin color.
DiAngelo, whose main field of work is “whiteness studies,” added that those who say they were taught to treat everyone the same deny black people of their reality, she said. ...
     This means that if you are a white Fox-like civic nationalist who goes to the nth degree condemning the 'racism' of the alt-right or nationalists, not to worry, after we complete the demographic tipping point, you too will end up hanging from the nearest lampost just like your fellow whites.