Monday, June 15, 2020

Alan Wall - Memo From Middle America: NASCAR Cucks On Battle Flag—Will Fans Continue To Flee? - Image: new checkered flag?


It appears the answer to Paul Kersey’s 2012 question above is yes. Diversity might well kill NASCAR, or at least send its patriotic, middle-class, Trump-loving fans to look elsewhere for big-time racing. A few days ago, NASCAR not only banned the Confederate battle flag beloved of its fans but also dropped the requirement to stand for the National Anthem. And why was that? Because winless black driver Bubba Wallace said it had to.
What’s happened to NASCAR? Corporate cowardice and kowtowing to Black Lives Matter, that’s what. So yet another American institution has betrayed its fans in exchange for the approval of the leftist Mainstream Media, ruling class elites and their black proxy warriors who want to exterminate the Historic American Nation. ...