Saturday, September 26, 2020

Welton: Saint Ruth Bader Ginsburg Was A Raging Narcissist and a Fanatical Social Justice Warrior in Robes


With characteristic class, Washington D.C. swamp-dwellers booed President Donald J. Trump while he and the First Lady viewed Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s coffin at the U.S. Supreme Court today [Trump booed as he pays respects to Ginsburg at court, by Kevin Liptak, CNN, September 24, 2020]. 

Since her death, Ginsburg appears to have become a national saint, at least among the Woke fanatics who currently control the Ruling Class, and her obsequies may achieve McCain-level excess—she is only the second Supreme Court justice to lie in state: the other was William Howard Taft, who had been BOTH Chief Justice AND U.S. President [Public viewing at Supreme Court to honor Ginsburg before justice lies in state at US Capitol, by Jack Moore, WTOP News, September 21, 2020]. 

This is particularly odd because Ginsburg quite clearly displayed the unpleasant traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder—and (as some Leftists quietly acknowledge) her narcissism has now seriously undercut the causes she claimed to champion. ...