Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Fine Stewardship of San Clemente Island--Go Navy!

Recovery Success for the First Plants Listed under the Endangered Species Act

Navy and Service biologists on San Clemente Island. Photo Credit: Joel Sartore with Wade Fredenberg, National Geographic Stock

The U.S. Navy’s commitment to environmental stewardship and conservation of our nation's natural heritage has helped improve the status of two rare plant species in southern California—Acmispon dendroideus var. traskiae (San Clemente Island lotus) andCastilleja grisea (San Clemente Island paintbrush). Both species were among the very first plants to gain Endangered Species Act (ESA) protection 35 years ago. The two perennials, which are unique to San Clemente Island located 75 miles (120 kilometers) west of San Diego, were listed as endangered in 1977 after their habitat was severely degraded from decades of overgrazing by goats and other nonnative herbivores. ...