Sunday, January 6, 2013

Time for White Gangs?

Sunday, 06 January 2013

How to Start a Gang: The Co-op Gym

By Jack Donovan   How to Start a Gang: The Co-op Gym
In The Way of Men, I argued that to create a legitimate honor culture, you need to create an honor group. It’s easy to assemble groups of like-minded men on the Internet, on forums and blogs and social networking groups, but a true honor culture must be proximate and “real-world.” Men need face time and history to develop trust, inter-dependency and a sense of fraternity based on more than empty platitudes. In his recent article “How and Why to Revive Manly Honor in the Twenty-First Century,” Brett McKay from Art of Manliness came to a similar conclusion, and put together some of his own theories about what men need to create an honor culture. Only face-to-face can you create an environment where men feel accountable to each other and develop a “healthy sense of shame.” ...