Thursday, September 4, 2014

Townhall - Larry Elder - Eric Holder: A More Dangerous Race-Card Hustler Than Al Sharpton - "He equates 'equal rights' with 'equal results.'" (While not relishing the damage done, one possible silver lining is that if the Obama administration had been half as racist and half as ham-handed as it has been, it still might have managed to fool many Whites who were naive enough to actually believe that their vote for Obama was a vote for a scrupulously fair colorblind conciliator heralding in a new post-racial America. These voters will not be so easily fooled again.)

Eric Holder: A More Dangerous Race-Card Hustler Than Al Sharpton

It's one thing to watch race hustlers like the Rev. Al Sharpton bellowing, "No justice, no peace." But when the attorney general of the United States makes false but racially incendiary claims about today's alleged "pernicious racism," we are in uncharted territory.
Holder complains about different prison rates, different school expulsion rates and longer prison sentences for black boys and men compared to white boys and men. He equates "equal rights" with "equal results."
In Ferguson, Missouri, after announcing federal investigation into the cop-shooting death of an unarmed black teen, Holder said: "I am the attorney general of the United States. But I am also a black man. I can remember being stopped on the New Jersey Turnpike on two occasions and accused of speeding. ... I remember how humiliating that was and how angry I was and the impact it had on me."
The New Jersey Turnpike? The long-believed claim of "racism" on that highway has been investigated -- and debunked. Twice. ...