Tuesday, May 12, 2015

RR Watch - Ann Corcoran: 1.6 million green cards issued to immigrants from Muslim countries; refugees in the mix

1.6 million green cards issued to immigrants from Muslim countries; refugees in the mix

This is a gem.  Thanks to Conservative Review and investigator/writer Daniel Horowitz for pulling these numbers together in an easy to see graphic form.  See the whole story here.   Horowitz mentions refugees as part of the flow.  (hat tip: Dick):

There is one caveat we need to mention and that is that not all of those entering the US from countries such as Iraq or Iran are Muslims, but we do get at least a ball park number from this data.   Also, we do not take refugees from all of those countries listed above which reminds us that there are other LEGAL immigration programs admitting Muslim immigrants into the US.  The next step is to identify all of those methods of entry.