Thursday, May 7, 2015

RR Watch - Ann Corcoran: Gates of Vienna reports on refugees and Spartanburg, SC in particular

Gates of Vienna reports on refugees and Spartanburg, SC in particular

I love their masthead! Learn more about the last great (failed!) effort by the Turks (the Muslims) to capture Europe:

Update: This post has been corrected from its earlier version—I was too much in a hurry to read carefully!  Here is the link to the interview with Dr. Jeffrey.
Dymphna at Gates of Vienna has posted today (oops! it was yesterday) on the Refugee Resettlement Program (‘Refugees come in under the radar’) and wanted readers to listen to a radio interview with Dr. Christina Jeffrey of Spartanburg, SC.  Thanks to reader Jim for the alert.  Maybe you can contact theAndrea Shea King Show for a podcast.
For background, here is a link to our original report on the Spartanburg, SC controversy with updates.
By the way, all of you should add Gates of Vienna to your daily reading list!