Wednesday, November 30, 2016

WND: 9 bloody terror attacks in U.S. in 18 months have 1 thing in common - 'Anyone who attempts to move beyond the "Islamophobia" mantra is reflexively labeled as a bigoted racist'

When Abdul Ali Artan tried to run over a crowd of helpless students at Ohio State University, then got out of his car and slashed as many as he could with a butcher knife, media titans CNN, CBS and NBC treated it as an isolated incident.
Law enforcement, from the local level on up to the FBI, said they did not know what could have motivated the young Muslim student to act in such a premeditated, violent way against his fellow students on a chilly Tuesday morning in Columbus.
Artan, an 18-year-old freshman at OSU, had immigrated from his native Somalia through Pakistan, arriving in Columbus at the invitation of the U.S. government, which considered him a “refugee.”
But the media failed to connect any of the dots with a host of similar attacks on U.S. soil, let alone the even larger number of strikingly similar attacks in Europe committed by migrants from Muslim countries in the Middle East and Africa.
News outlets also failed to report that Columbus is America’s second-largest distribution point for Somali refugees after Minneapolis.
A simple perusal of some very recent history, roughly the previous 18 months, would have turned up the following incidents:
1. Chattanooga shooting: 24-year-old Muhammad Abdulaziz offers up mass shooting at Navy recruitment center, leaving five U.S. servicemen dead in July 2015.
2. University of California at Merced knife attack: 18-year-old student Faisal Mohammad slashes students, teacher in November 2015, four wounded.
4. San Bernardino shooting ...