Tuesday, September 4, 2018

AmRen - Gregory Hood: Who Are the White Dissidents?

Are we many or are we only a few?
Professor George Hawley of the University of Alabama is one of the more objective political analysts working today, and one of the few who correctly predicted Donald Trump would win in 2016. His book Right Wing Critics of American Conservatism is a serious examination of conservative thought outside the boundaries of Conservatism Inc., and his more recent Making Sense of the Alt-Right is much closer to the mark than junk rushed into print, such as Angela Nagle’s Kill All NormiesWhite advocates should therefore listen to Professor Hawley even if some of his message seems like bad news.
Professor Hawley recently published “The Demography of the Alt-Right” for the Institute for Family Studies, and his research is both a “black pill” and a “white pill.” He estimates only about 6 percent of white Americans agree with all three attitudes that he says indicate support for “white identity politics.” Furthermore, these 6 percent tend to be relatively less educated and badly paid. However, even just 6 percent amounts to millions of white Americans. More importantly, Professor Hawley has created a demanding standard for what counts as agreement with “white identity politics.” Far greater percentages of white Americans agree with at least part of what white advocates say. ...