Thursday, September 20, 2018

Refugee Resettlement Watch: Look to Europe to fully comprehend why the US must build the wall - "Fox reporter seems to have swallowed, hook, line and sinker, the international Left’s talking points"

Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 20, 2018
Frankly, I was surprised to see a story with this headline at Fox News (the headline and the story sound like something CNN would feature).

Europe’s migration ‘fixes’ trigger disgusting humanitarian crises

It is about the difficult conditions in detention facilities featuring especially a Greek detention camp on the island of Lesbos, but the Fox reporter seems to have swallowed, hook, line and sinker, the international Left’s talking points. ...

     More wise words from Ann. I believe we are closer to the European tipping point than most people imagine because we already have a huge Black and Hispanic insurgency that we try to forget about in between riots. Remember it was found that the Rodney King trial rioting and looting were largely Hispanic, of course, many of them migrants.
     Recall that President Obama began implementing a HUD program to try to randomly scatter Blacks out into White neighborhoods. The US feels more secure to many of us because there is still quite a bit of land for us to run and hide within. But what happens when we've had a decade or so of Hillary-type governments and they decide, backed up by ever more nonWhite demographics, that even Montana ranches are just too darn White due to 'historical institutional racism' and find countless ways to make things more vibrantly diverse?
     The GOP Inc idea that European ethnics can be replaced by Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims since we can educate them into becoming constitutional originalists merrily spending their weekends trimming their hedges and attending fun family barbecues takes a special kind of White stupid. Setting aside why in the world anyone would want, even if it could be successful, to erase their own family.