Saturday, September 1, 2018

TheLocal: Women cheer as Sweden's man-free, except transgenders, music festival kicks off - 19 paragraphs does not mention due to Muslims surrounding, raping attendees - Hard not to be 'black-pilled' with white women being this dumb --tma

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"This festival was necessary because of everything that happened during festivals last year," says the 27-year-old student with long pink hair and purple lipstick as her friends nod in agreement.

Held in Sweden's second-largest city of Gothenburg, the two-day Statement Festival, forbids men but not transgender people. It was announced last year after police received four rape and 23 sexual assault reports at Sweden's largest Bravalla Festival, which was cancelled this year as a result.

"What do you think about us creating an awesome festival where only non-men are welcome until ALL men learn how to behave?" Swedish comedian Emma Knyckare, who founded the Statement Festival, tweeted at the time. ...