Wednesday, September 26, 2018

National Wildlife cover story 10-11/18, Laura Tangley - US border barriers threaten wildlife - Sadly, so do airports, highways. Why do greens only try to stop AMERICAN / EURO border walls? - We can build wildlife corridors, but biggest problem twould be abuse by invaders and their 5th column enablers --tma

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Such a massive barricade would slice through some of the continent's most iconic biodiverse habitats ...

      One answer would be a ample number of wildlife corridors, but the biggest problem to that would be having them abused by invaders and their fifth column enablers. Yet another example of how virtue-signaling 'environmentalists' ultimately harm the environment, wildlife and the people living within it, on both sides of the border.

Note: Although I have the hard copy of this issue in my hand, strangely, for a major environmental magazine cover story, at least at this time, I cannot find, on Google nor Bing, an Internet link to this cover story or an Internet image of that cover. (To yours truly, cover photo looks like an adorable wide-eyed kittenish bobcat at sunset, being [off-camera] cruelly walled out by a fiendish cackling Donald Trump.)