Sunday, September 23, 2018

RRW - Omaha, Nebraska: Hundreds of refugees being removed from “squalid” housing - Lucky: You get to pay fake charities, their ceo's getting 6-figure incomes, to dump Muslim fake refugees onto your hometown! --tma

Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 22, 2018
This is one more reason that the Trump Administration should be pushing for a complete review of the US Refugee Admissions Program with an eye to up-ending—dumping entirely or re-writing—the foolish system put into motion by the Refugee Act of 1980.
We simply can’t bring in so many refugees that they then live in squalor, placed there by some supposedly ‘religious’ charities paid by US taxpayers with virtually no oversight of what they are doing and no accounting of where our money goes.
And, not to mention, having an economic, cultural, and health impact on Americans kept in the dark about the arrival of poor third worlders to their neighborhoods. ...