Saturday, September 15, 2018

RRW: Colorado: Meatpacker agrees to pay Somali refugees $1.5 million in prayer break dispute - "Big Meat! Changing America, one meatpacking town at a time!" --Ann Corcoran - Obviously customers will end up paying for these prayer breaks. -tma

Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 15, 2018
I have no sympathy for giant globalist meatpackers because they brought this on themselves when they actively sought out (with the help of federal refugee contractors like Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service) Somali refugee workers.
However, what we increasingly see is an accommodation of Islamic religious practices in the workplace with this settlement and others like it.  CAIR is very happy! ...
"Big Meat! Changing America, one meatpacking town at a time!" Perfectly stated, Ann. Obviously, future customers will end up paying for these prayer breaks. Our sub sandwiches from the deli will soon have a hidden Muslim prayer break tax. We non-refugees should also demand prayer breaks so we can pray for an end to this Multi-Marx madness.