Thursday, September 12, 2019

Campus Reform: UC Berkeley 'Bear Closet' course: Students share 'queer' experiences with middle schoolers for credit - Recruitment? So they won't fear attending colleges--where LGBTQ is universally celebrated? --tma


A University of California, Berkeley course starting  September 19 will offer students the chance to share “queer-related stories” with local middle and high school students to encourage students who have not revealed their sexuality to pursue higher education.

Dubbed “Bear Closet,” the course “welcomes all students, whether LGBTQ, an ally, or just interested in learning.” The course, taught by a student but faculty-approved, is seeking enrollees who are looking for “sharing queer-related stories/ middle and high school classrooms, in hopes of motivating out or closeted youth to pursue college education with the assurance of a better future.”...