Thursday, September 19, 2019

Time: Trudeau Wore Brownface at Arabian Nights Party - Western politics today: Third-world demographically genociding your own people? You are an ANGEL TOY BOY! Ruffling the feathers of third-world invaders at some costume shindig? You are SATAN! --tma

Justin Trudeau, now the prime minister of Canada, appears in dark makeup on his face, neck and hands at a 2001  Arabian Nights -themed party at the West Point Grey Academy, the private school where he taught.
Justin Trudeau, Canada’s prime minister, wore brownface makeup to a party at the private school where he was teaching in the spring of 2001. TIME has obtained a photograph of the incident.
The photograph has not been previously reported. The picture was taken at an “Arabian Nights”-themed gala. It shows Trudeau, then the 29-year-old son of the late former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, wearing a turban and robes with his face, neck and hands completely darkened. The photograph appears in the 2000-2001 yearbook of West Point Grey Academy, a private day school where Trudeau was a teacher. ...