Sunday, September 22, 2019

DMReg Warren leads in Iowa - Voter choices: (1) Vote Dem Clown World b/c you are one; (2) Vote patriotic Trump; (3) Vote Dem to crash the system (high-risk); (4) Write-in white-positive candidate (protest endless GOP border betrayal, yes, could help Dems). --tma

Image result for warren in indian headdress

Elizabeth Warren has surged in Iowa, narrowly overtaking Joe Biden and distancing herself from fellow progressive Bernie Sanders, the latest Des Moines Register/CNN/Mediacom Iowa Poll shows.  
Warren, the U.S. senator from Massachusetts, now holds a 2-percentage-point lead, with 22% of likely Democratic caucus-goers saying she is their first choice for president. It is the first time she has led in the Register’s poll. ...