Tuesday, September 3, 2019

VDARE - Deplatformed: We List The Journofa Thugs Driving Tech Censorship Of Patriots—GOP Must ACT - Worst examples: Carlos Maza, NYT, CNN’s Oliver Darcy, NBC, HuffPost.


Recently, VDARE TV and other Dissident Right channels were kicked off YouTube without warning. VDARE was subsequently reinstated, but other channels remain banned. Why? Because YouTube caved to pressure from Leftist activists and journalists. VDARE TV was on a list compiled by the Anti-Defamation League. Tech executives follow such directives in the vain hope it will stop the bad press—but of course the Left just demands more censorship. Only government action forcing Big Tech to respect free speech—either legislation or litigation e.g.  Exclusive — Devin Nunes Warns U.S. About ‘Tech Oligarchs’ Censorship, Bias Against Conservatives: ‘I Am Very Concerned,’ by Matthew Boyle, Sept. 2, 2019—can counter this totalitarian agenda.
Some of the worst examples of Journofa ...