Friday, September 13, 2019

European Times - Sweden: Nigerian rapper with 280,000 YouTube subs urges Blacks to Kill and Enslave Whites - Mind experiment: Let's imagine all 3rd world migrants at Western borders with one out of 100 with a bloody knife in their hand. Globalists would still keep borders open--It's all they know. --tma


Jesse Ekene Nweke Conable, a Nigerian-born rapper who goes by the handle JCBUZ, has openly called for his fellow blacks to commit violence against white people during a hate-filled rant in a social media group.
In the rant, Conable propagates racism and urges fellow Africans living in Europe to kill whites, Samhällsnytt reports.
If any white guy or white girl is trying to talk shit about you, shoot them!” Conable said in a closed group on social media. ...