Sunday, September 22, 2019

StamAd - WaPost - Molly Roberts [in an article of convoluted stupidity]: Justin Trudeau says his privilege made him do it - Trudeau "camouflages a retreat from welcoming refugees" --i.e. every little chance the MSM gets --tma


People in the United States might feel a smidge of schadenfreude at our neighbor's struggle with a transgression alarmingly common among politicians here at home - if only our own schaden weren't so tremendous. Still, there's something about the Trudeau story that makes it especially hard to ignore, and his explanation for his behavior gets right at it.
"I came from a place of privilege . . . but now I have to acknowledge that that comes with a massive blind spot," Trudeau told reporters in the latest of his multiple apologies for his multiple mistakes. "The fact of the matter is I've always - and you'll know this - been more enthusiastic about costumes than is sometimes appropriate," he told reporters in the first instance. ...