Sunday, November 10, 2013

Paul Kersey: Thanks, Thomas Sowell!—But The War on Whites is Nothing New (The war against the historic American nation has been raging for decades ... It's a war where only one side is fighting, and the casualties lie unmourned and forgotten.)

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If only we had more like this guy, although I recall Cosby was taken in by Tawana Brawley's over-the-top attempt to frame some white cops. Racial solidarity almost always trumps everything else. 

Thanks, Thomas Sowell!—But The War on Whites is Nothing New

The great Thomas Sowell kindly recognized me in a recent syndicated column for showing there is a low-level race war raging in what used to be our country—racially-motivated black violence that deliberately targets the white historic American nation. [Race-Hustling Results: Part IIIOctober 24, 2013]
I appreciate the recognition but I have to disagree with Dr. Sowell on one point. This war is nothing new: it has been raging for decades. . . .