Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Potentially Fatal Washington DC ‘Knockout’ Game Targeting Strangers May Be Spreading (The mainstream news media are accomplices in these crimes by never mentioning that it almost always black-on-white.)

Potentially Fatal ‘Knockout’ Game Targeting Strangers May Be Spreading

WASHINGTON (CBSDC) – A terrifying new ‘game’ that’s already caused deaths in Syracuse, St. Louis and New Jersey is sweeping the nation, and it preys upon unsuspecting people walking the streets, anywhere.

A recent report from New York-based CBS 2 shed light on the growing trend, displaying unsettling footage of teens participating in this game – which goes by the name ‘Knockout’ – and involves randomly targeting passersby, with the ultimate goal being to knock them out with one punch as they walk by.

One victim shown in the footage is a 46-year-old man from Hoboken, N.J., who was found dead with his neck broken and head lodged between iron fence posts, according to NJ.com.

Video surveillance shows Santiago walking in an alleyway in broad daylight, and just as he’s about to pass a pack of teenagers, one launches the fatal, knockout blow.
And what’s the point?

“For the fun of it,” one teen said in the video. . . .
     'Strangers,' oh brother.Obviously this  scourge cannot be 'random' if it targets whites.
     Actually, looks like the Knockout Game 'spread' some time ago. I've definitely heard of it taking place in Europe. One teenage girl in the UK was punched in the head from behind so violently that her teeth were broken out when she went face-first onto the sidewalk.

     And why no peep from Obama or Holder on this subject, a pandemic that has been taking place for many months all across the nation? Didn't the Attorney General accuse Americans of being 'cowards' when it came to talking about race? Well, Mr. Holder, here's your big chance! As for the President, apparently none of these thugs look like they 'could have been my son.' How about any of the victims looking like they could have been Biden's son, or daughter, wife, mother or father?  
     As someone said when asked whether traditionally white nations are heading for a race war, 'It's already here. It is just that white people haven't figured it out yet.' 

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