White History: What is the chief distinguishing characteristic of white people?
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No, there are at least a couple other groups with higher IQ's.
Well, other people, like the Japanese, are admirably industrious.
Others must have come up with this long ago, but the answer seems to be: Dynamism.
I think of the example of the manned moon landing. Most other groups in the world would not have particularly thought of this goal and would not have particularly wanted to strive for it. Among whites it was inevitable that it would be attempted and attempted again.
Obviously this is not all good. Dynamism may mean that your people are continually moving around the world and naturally this will have repercussions. The Age of Exploration had many causalities of Westerners and non-Westerners, but would many indigenous peoples want to go back to no electricity, no hospitals, no trains, etc?
What other people would have had such scientific and organizational mastery over the planet and yet you would find many thousands of them around the world teaching in orphanages, manning food aid programs or trying to keep native peoples from slaughtering the last of the elephants, great apes or black rhinos?
One danger is that a component of this dynamism has been a uniquely strong individualism that tends to make whites independent operators who believe that they are competing against others of all cultures who likewise see themselves as individuals.
However, when individuals of one group within a 'multicultural' society compete with individuals who just naturally team up among themselves, which has been the norm for all other peoples down through history, the people belonging to the group that likes to see themselves as simply rugged individuals, over the long run, will lose and be wiped off the face of the Earth.