Chris Matthews: GOP less patriotic than South African white apartheid leaders
MSNBC host Chris Matthews reacted to the death of Nelson Mandela Thursday night by saying that the Republican Party is less patriotic than South Africa’s white apartheid advocates. . . .
At least Chris Matthews is correct in that there were noteworthy white leader sellouts and many 'liberal' white South Africans, which is one reason why white voters eventually approved giving up power. Flash forward: Many white anti-apartheid leaders and white liberals have been either murdered by blacks or have gotten out of the country, if possible.
Leaving South Africa if you are white is not that easy. You have to promise to come back, take very little with you, as if you are just going on a vacation, and be ready to have all your property confiscated. All this is ironic, since whites are now hated and subject to rampant violence. But some of the ruling black South African thugs apparently dimly perceive that they are killing off the goose that lays the golden eggs of order and prosperity.
This is likely why Mandela was not as bad as he could have been. He didn't want South Africa to overnight come down with a case of full-blown Zimbabwe.