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The Endless Fringe: White nationalist think tanks and the “Dissident Right”
By Justin Mitchell
Washington (VOR)– In our series the Endless Fringe, VOR has shown you the modern face of the Ku Klux Klan, the National Socialists, and the Christian Identity movement. Today, we bring you the world of white nationalist think tanks. Dedicated to something called "race realism," these organizations claim to advocate for white America, while their critics say it’s the same old hate in a new package.
Washington (VOR)– In our series the Endless Fringe, VOR has shown you the modern face of the Ku Klux Klan, the National Socialists, and the Christian Identity movement. Today, we bring you the world of white nationalist think tanks. Dedicated to something called "race realism," these organizations claim to advocate for white America, while their critics say it’s the same old hate in a new package.
Today, the New Century Foundation is one of a handful of think tanks, magazines, and organizations that seek to provide a more rational-sounding, credible way to express the issues of what they see as a time of crisis for the white race. Critics say that while they may on the surface seem more urbane than the traditional, militant hate groups, the hate is the same. . . .
Justin Mitchell is an unusual sounding Russian name. Seriously, an actual honest to God Russian reporter would likely provide us with something far more intelligent. This article is just like the boilerplate pieces coming out of the West's Multicultural Marxist media every day of the week, although some of it is even less sophisticated. I mean, the use of the word 'ilk.' Come on, even a junior high school cub reporter would recognize that as being comically biased.
"Burghart told VOR. 'However, it should be noted that mainstream Americans, people in the mainstream everywhere, find their ideas abhorrent and repugnant.'"
"Everywhere"? Meaning the approved official views everywhere in nations that are WHITE? Since of course the people of Mexico, China, Japan, Nigeria, etc, are not clamoring for ever more diversity--destined to be an ever smaller percentage of their own nation's population. Only one race and their helpful Tribe buddies, assisted by the 'news' media at every turn, have managed that suicidally insane trick.