Jesse Jackson’s Futile Feud with Oxbridge
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Jackson’s push for Oxbridge to admit more black students exposes the flaw of all progressive endeavors that seek greater equality via benchmarks. Influenced less by tangible data than by selfish political aspirations and emotionally attractive pledges, they boil down to nothing more than sanctimonious excursions in social engineering. (I am reminded of when Tony Blair, then the head of the Labour party and the prime minister, rather arbitrarily decided that at least half of all British citizens younger than 30 should take part in higher education.) . . .
Bravo for Oxbridge, but even when reading an otherwise commendable article in the National Review, you often find you have slipped into a parallel universe. The truth is, as with all other Western nations, with each passing day, the UK sinks farther into a racial and religious spoils system. The fact that "class," not just race, is important in the UK does not alter this.
Also, arguing that Oxford and Cambridge will never institute anti-white admissions policies because that would be so educationally irrational is in itself irrational. Such policies are just as irrational and long recognized as such by the white majority in America, but this has not for one minute deterred America's politically correct open-borders overlords from instituting and reinforcing these policies at every turn.
And rationality and majority opinion make as little difference as does the law itself, because when state voters have finally managed to prohibit 'affirmative action' in higher education admissions, educational elites simply go right on discriminating against whites, particularly gentile males, only doing it under-the-table, smirkingly calling it 'reaching out' or 'encouraging healthy diversity,' or some such.
Finally, let's just see if Oxbridge continues its commendable unwavering policies of admissions, judging solely by 'gray matter,' after another decade or two of the UK's continued rapid Islamization. It is not for nothing that today many Brits commonly refer to 'Londonistan.'