Thursday, July 9, 2015

NewsMachete: Do you think Hillary or Bernie Sanders live anywhere near illegal aliens?

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The Clinton Cottage

Do you think Hillary or Bernie Sanders live anywhere near illegal aliens?

You may wonder, if liberals think that Illegal aliens are so great, they must live in communities with a lot of them, right? In fact nearly all leaders of the Democratic party live in rich, lily white neighborhoods where few minorities, much less illegal aliens, can be found.

For starters, where does Harry Reid live? He would tell you in a small town called Searchlight, Nevada, except most of the time,which he apparently spends at the Ritz Carlton hotel, where he has an exclusive apartment. I'll bet there aren't too many illegal aliens there (except perhaps on the waiting staff).

Hillary Clinton, as we all know, lives in Chappaqua with her mail server. Chappaqua is 92% white. Think in this day and age how hard it is to find a place so incredibly white. Hillary has got to be living in just about the whitest place on the planet, she must have done a lot of hard work to find it. The only illegal aliens she sees are the ones on the nightly news (or perhaps Univision).
Elizabeth Warren lives in a very expensive section of Cambridge, Massachusetts, in a $5 million dollar mansion.  ...