News from Spartanburg, SC, a “Pocket of Resistance”

Posted by Ann Corcoran on July 13, 2015
This is one more in our new series of posts on what concerned citizens are doing to resist the colonization of their towns and cities by the UN/US State Department using impoverished third worlders (all part of the Obama Administration plan to “seed” your community with ethnic and economic diversity).
We will be bringing to you as many of these stories as we can so that you may find inspiration and support for what you are doing in your state.
For new readers, Spartanburg, SC residents learned in early spring that their town was targeted by one of the nine major federal contractors, in this case World Relief (Evangelicals), to begin receiving refugees this fiscal year (FY 2015 ends Sept. 30, 2015). To catch up, go here to our first post (with updates).
Rep. Trey Gowdy represents the district and is Chairman of the all-important House Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security. Gowdy should have called for hearings on the program weeks ago!
Get the facts!
Sounds boring, but one of the first steps for those of you questioning a new resettlement site or an existing one is to gather your facts and get those facts to the general public.
The US Refugee Admissions Program, as we have chronicled for the last 8 years, is largely a secretive program. Why? Because once taxpaying citizens understand how it works and what it costs, they usually reject the whole scheme.
So here is Dr. Christina Jeffrey announcing the release of a document and fact sheet that she and her group have prepared for South Carolina citizens (really all of you across the country). Emphasis is mine:
One of the biggest threats today to U.S. sovereignty is mass immigration. While we were focused on illegal immigration, massive legal immigration was increasing wildly under the radar. I was not aware of the huge pressure being brought to bear by various programs that have been bringing in tens of thousands of immigrants/permanent residents every year.
This year, Spartanburg was chosen to be the one hundred and ninety-first “welcoming city.” I had to do some homework to find out what that meant.
I learned that our new neighbors were being selected for us by a program called Refugee Resettlement, one of the largest legal immigration programs. It is run by the State Department in cooperation with the United Nations. ...