Vice magazine gives granny (your humble blogger) more publicity about Syrian refugee concerns
Posted by Ann Corcoran on July 14, 2015
I don’t even know what Vice magazine is, and don’t care as long as they bring more attention to the issue of the campaign by thenine major federal resettlement contractors to get 65,000 mostly Muslim Syrians distributed to your towns and cities before Obama leaves office.
Reporter Meredith Hoffman makes me laugh. She doesn’t understand that she has admitted, as she has fun with my appearance, that in fact the NO borders activists must be very worried about the impact we are having.
As she says, my Youtube video has passed the 700,000 viewer mark (see one incredible comment from a former refugee agency employee, here).
Thanks to Meredith and Vice we may reach our 1 million viewer goal!

Yup! Granny is very concerned!
It would be wonderful if she would mention that ‘granny’ has a second video about the Senate ‘Jihad Caucus’ and 65,000 Syrians!
After her ‘humorous’ opening she gives us some important new information (see below).
Vice (dumb title: ‘Why are Republicans so scared of Syrian refugees’). Heck she does report that Obama’s FBI is scared too! Emphasis below is mine:
Superimposed upon the cartoonish image of a lush neon pasture,Ann Corcoran stares through horn-rimmed glasses at her YouTube audience. The white-haired right-wing blogger is unruffled, almost grandmotherly, as she warns about a dark and insidious threat: Muslim refugees.
I thought horn-rimmed glasses came back into style a few years ago. I guess I'm always one step behind. --tma
“I’ve become increasingly alarmed by the percentage of problematic Muslim refugees distributed around the US,” Corcoran informs viewers. “Many are forming cities within cities…where mosques are being built to consolidate, train, and promote a growing American Muslim population and its Islamic supremacist doctrine called Sharia.”
Corcoran, who runs the inflammatory anti-refugee blog Refugee Resettlement Watch, goes on to give a conspiracy-laden account of how the US government (with the help of the United Nations and shadowy Islamic charities, of course) takes in refugees from predominantly Muslim countries, and secretly “seeds” them in unsuspecting American communities.
The threat, she warns, is only getting worse: “Soon we will be settling Syrian Muslims in large numbers,” Corcoran says. “If you don’t help counter [this], we are, in my opinion, doomed. Over time this migration will be more devastating to your children and grandchildren than any terrorist attack could ever be.”
The video—which has been viewed more than 700,000 times since it was first posted in April—stirred up familiar strains of Islamophobia around the right-wing blogosphere, igniting a wave of alarm over Muslim refugees, in particular Syrians who have fled country’s five-year civil war. Both politicians and anti-refugee activists have loudly fought efforts to resettle Syrians in the US, amounting to what analysts say is the most vocal and active opposition to a refugee group in years.
Obama’s FBI testified that the Syrians cannot be properly screened ...
Wiki: "In late 2014, VICE Media announced that Alyssa Mastromonaco, who formerly worked in the Obama administration, would come on board as the company's Chief Operating Officer in January 2015." Gosh, you'd never know it. [sarc]