Europe's Great Migration Crisis
In 2014, Hungary received more refugees per capita than any other EU country apart from Sweden. Asylum requests for Austria rose nearly 180% in the first five months of 2015, to 20,620, and were on track to reach 70,000 by the end of the year. It recently emerged that three out of four refugees who came to Denmark in the early 2000s are jobless ten years later.
"The face of European civilization... will never again be what it is now. There is no way back from a multicultural Europe. Neither to a Christian Europe, nor to the world of national cultures." — Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary.
The European Commission announced a controversial "relocation plan" that would require EU member states to accept 40,000 over the next two years. This is in addition to a separate "resettlement plan" to distribute 20,000 refugees currently living in camps in the Middle East.
"The proposal on the table from the European Commission is absurd, bordering on insanity. It is an incentive for human traffickers and will simply tell people: yes, try to cross the Mediterranean at all costs." — Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary. ...
Don't quite agree on last part of paragraph two above. We will still have a "world of national cultures"--just not in formerly White-majority nations.